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Adult Ministry

*Sunday Morning Bible Study: 

We will delve into the worship theme/message to get a better understanding.


* Wednesday Morning Adult Bible Study meet @10am

These Bible studies present the Bible in a relevant way that will affect your daily life.

Come enjoy being in "The Word".​




“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.”  Proverbs 22:6

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JOIN US each Sunday at 10:15a.m. September- May

2024-2025 Sunday School Session will kick off with Rally Sunday September 8, 2024.

Open to children 3yrs old-6th grade.


"Put on the Full Armor of God.” 

Ephesians 6:10-18

August 5-8, 2024

What a wonderful VBS program we had this year! Our theme was “Put on the full armor of God” from Ephesians 6:10-18.  The kids learned about the different types of armor that God provides for our protection from evil. Our Bible lessons for the week were: Belt of Truth, Shield of Faith, Helmet of Salvation and Sword of the Spirit.  


We had 85 kids registered, our highest attendance was Tuesday evening with 77.


While we had a couple of rainy evenings, the kids still managed to enjoy themselves during recreation, music, drama, crafts and lots of good food.  The kids were able to create a full armor of protection for themselves!


Thank you to the 54 volunteers who kept everything on track during VBS.  Over 800 volunteer hours go into this project; and we appreciate your support so much!  And a special thank you to the planning committee, who started working on VBS back in January!


Our mission project for donations was the local Veterans Memorial Honor Guard.  They came one evening to show us how they fold the flag, what the folds represent and they played taps for us.  It was a great demonstration.  Thanks to everyone, we raised $1,548.51! â€‹


Children were able to create their own Belt of Truth, Helmet of Salvation, Shield of Faith and Sword of the Spirit.




High School Youth Ministry 

7th-12th grade

Meeting each Sunday at 10:15am.  

Confirmation Classes:

7th & 8th grade
Confirmation Classes are held on Wednesdays from 5:30-7:00p.m. (September-May)


Christian activities, mission trips, and more give our youth the chance to grow in Christ and have an Awesome time!




Watch for special events throughout the year.

Christian Care


Christian one-to-one care for those who are in need in our church family and community.

*Love INC (Love in the Name of Christ)

*Love Patches Quilting Group
We have a great time getting together Thursday mornings 9:00am to 12:00pm to put together quilts for our members and friends. Each piece is put together with love and prayer. The quilts are given to our little ones at their baptism and to those that are ill or just need to feel God's love around them!


Outreach Ministry

Church and community focused opportunities to support the Church's mission,

to share God's love and the Joy we experience with Jesus in our Lives!


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Have you experienced a broken relationship due to a breakup, divorce, death, estranged from your family, etc.? That can be overwhelming. Uplifters Alexandria is here to provide a safe and confidential place to be with people who care about you. This is a free group to support and lift you up!

When: 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month


Good Shepherd Lutheran Church,

2702 MN-29, Alexandria, MN 56308

(320) 762-5152 or (952) 288-3953


*Polka Worship Service 2024
Chuck Thiel and the Jolly Ramblers

will be joining us in Worship this year on Saturday, September 16 @ 4:00 pm. 

WE will enjoy a GREAT meal following the service.  

​*Lutheran Island Camp
See what is new at LIC!  (click on Lutheran Island Camp to go to their website)

*Men's Dartball-Men from area churches come together for some friendly competition

and a lot of great fellowship!


*LWML (Lutheran Women's Missionary League)
LWML Ladies are reaching out with the Gospel through mission projects at Good Shepherd

and in the community.

We meet on the 3rd Monday evening monthly @ 6:30pm. 

Guest Speakers throughout the year.

*2024 4th Annual Trunk and Treat

Scheduled for October 29th 2:30pm-4:30pm 

​2024 We had a wonderful time opening

our trunks and providing a family safe environment for trick or treating!  



We are blessed to be connected to the mission field and lend our prayers and support:


Ashley Lehr- Puerto Rico

Pastor Woods-In Indonesia

Rev. Daniel Jastram- Japan


Matongo Seminary, Kenya Malawi Students

International Lutheran Council

Lutheran Bible Translators

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